parrots for sale online


The stores pride themselves on hospital-grade cleanliness and shelves that are packed with all the best products. Exotic live parrots even has its own brand of products, including a gourmet seed blend developed by Us. Another signature concept of  Exotic live parrots stores is its enormous TOY WALL that displays hundreds of handmade bird toys. Services at Exotic live parrots include boarding and grooming

Exotic live parrots employs a knowledgeable, friendly staff that is well-versed in bird care. Exotic live parrots associates can answer most bird related questions including concerns about behavior and diet. At Exotic live parrots, birds are never pushed on people, instead, potential bird owners are carefully screened to ensure that the species they are interested in matches their lifestyle.

Exotic live parrots has sold thousands of birds over the years and has maintained its loyal customer base for nearly three decades. Exotic live parrots has built his business on a simple philosophy—to sell healthy birds and quality products, price them competitively, and provide customers with the cleanest store and most helpful service they can find


Omarion Gonzalez and wife Anita J.K are  well-respected aviculturist and award-winning retailers. Their  love for birds began at a  vey young age living in Cuba where they  used to catch wild songbirds (known in Cuba as “mariposa”) and would build cages from twigs. This experience sparked Omarion and wife’s interest in birds and after coming to the United States at the age of 29 and 23 respectively, Omarion and wife   bought two little canaries. Omarion and wife loved their birds and throughout their marriage studied everything they could about them. In their early 30’s, Omarion and wife purchased two parrots from a local pet shop. However back in the 80’s, many birds sold in pet shops were either imported or illegally smuggled into the country and many would die from various diseases. Unfortunately this was the case for both of Omarion and wife’s pets. This was their  first real-life lesson of the importance of buying a bird from a clean and reputable store. Dissatisfied with the unsanitary conditions of most bird stores they visited, they began talking to people in the bird business and found out where the quarantine station was. Again since this was the 80’s, the quarantine station was the place where most pet shops purchased birds from as very few birds were being bred domestically at the time.

bird owners

Omarion is a member of Parrots International, a conservation group that helps endangered birds in the wild. Recently he went to Brazil with the group’s directors to help save the Hyacinth Macaws. Omarion and wife have two pet Hyacinths, Blue and Xena who were married on Animal Planet in 2003

That’s when the vision of owning their own bird store first entered their mind. Now armed with the whereabouts of the quarantine station, They began buying more and more birds there. Since parrot-taming techniques were quite inhumane back then, they relied on their own experiences with the birds to develop their own methods of taming them.

Once the birds were able to be safely handled, they began reselling them, first out of their house and then at a local swap meet. Although struggling to make ends meet , by 1984 they had saved enough money to open their first store. As their passion for exotic birds grew stronger, they sought new ways to improve bird breeding techniques, find better methods of taming and even began developing products for them. They later designed perches that hung them from the ceiling of their store which would allow the birds to socialize with customers. Birds were happy, business thrived and more stores were opened. Since the beginning, locations have changed and improvements made, but their dedication to continually improve the life of companion birds has remained constant.

They continue to take  Exotic Live Birds to new levels and are committed to promoting the benefits of companion animals. They are  active members in the community and hosts bird shows in their stores and  local schools. They continues to study birds and lecture at trade shows, bird clubs and pet fairs. They are currently working on expanding the EXOTIC LIVE PARROTS brand product line and developing educational programs that teach kids about pet birds.

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We intend to provide you  with  a perfect companion for  you and your household. Here your happiness is our priority no customer leaves our shop unhappy. Shop with us.
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